VUCA to describe difficult general conditions of corporate management | What does it have to do with project management?

VUCA to describe difficult general conditions of corporate management | What does it have to do with project management?

VUCA to describe difficult general conditions of corporate management | What does it have to do with project management?

VUCA to describe difficult general conditions of corporate management | What does it have to do with project management?

What is VUCA?

VUCA stands for “Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity.”. It is used to describe an environment that is constantly changing, unpredictable, complex and ambiguous. To describe the difficult general conditions of corporate management.

It began to be used in the 90s , and comes from military vocabulary. It is being used to address emerging ideas in strategic leadership, applicable to a wide range of organizations, from businesses to educational institutions.

Meaning of each element

The meaning of each element of the VUCA analysis serves to reinforce its strategic character for predictions and for reflections, and also to study the behavior of groups and individuals in organizations.

  • V: Volatility: the nature and dynamics of change, and the nature and speed of the forces of change and the catalysts of change.
  • U: Uncertainty: the lack of predictability, the possibility of surprise, and the sense of awareness and understanding of the facts.
  • C: Complexity: multiplicity of forces, the confusion of things, and the chaos and confusion surrounding an organization.
  • A: Ambiguity: vagueness of reality, the potential for misreading, and the multiple meanings of conditions, in addition to the confusion of causes and effects.

For most organizations today—whether business , military , education , government , or otherwise—VUCA is a code of practice for awareness and preparedness. Beyond the simple acronym is a body of knowledge that deals with learning models for preparation, anticipation, evolution and intervention.

But what does VUCA have to do with project management?

Of course, project management was not the same 20-30 years ago. We are constantly challenged by change and driven to innovate in today’s digitalized world.

Thus, the competition is more and more fierce, the resources more and more rare and the customers more and more demanding.

The way the world turns – volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous – has clearly impacted the way to manage a project. It becomes difficult for project managers to make informed decisions, keep an effective schedule or even easily find a solution to a problem.

Why should I pay attention to it?

The VUCA matrix will allow you:

  • Anticipate problems that are difficult to identify
  • Understand the consequences of your decisions
  • Appreciate the interdependence of variables
  • To prepare alternatives according to the different scenarios
  • To identify and take advantage of opportunities.

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Use of the VUCA concept in product and project management

Now that you know more about the importance of VUCA, we can go deeper into these different components.

1. Volatility

Volatility relates to the unpredictability, speed and magnitude of change. Operating in an unstable environment will subject you to frequent, rapid and significant challenges that will disrupt your daily plans and activities. These challenges will arise unexpectedly and with an unknown duration.

Volatility will increase your ability to differentiate between urgency and importance. The consequence of this will be to increase your turnaround times and prevent you from easily achieving your goals.

2. Uncertainty

It relates to your inability to predict and measure certain external events. Uncertainty is also the result of volatile environments, simply because no one can anticipate and predict what tomorrow will bring.

To put it simply, uncertainty is above all the lack of knowledge or information about an environment.

In order to reduce its scope, ask yourself the question: what do you know about your environment?

3. Complexity

Is linked to a situation that is difficult to analyze, where the number of elements to take into account and their interdependence makes an overall reading difficult.

Complexity is characterized by “a situation with many interconnected parts and variables. Some information is available or can be predicted, but its volume or nature may be difficult to process”. This makes it impossible to predict the outcome of an action or decision.

4. Ambiguity

Ambiguity will add another dimension, incorporating the degree to which the interpretation of an event may vary. This will lead to the issuance of different messages, conflicts of interest (voluntary or not) or the inability to fully understand a given situation.

Navigating in this atmosphere of ambiguity can make you lose your grip on your goals and make finding consensus difficult.

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Examples of the need to approach management differently

Also, in a global environment that has become VUCA, we better understand the importance of approaching and analyzing situations in a systemic way. It is in this context that we have seen the birth of new specimens of companies, such as Airbnb, Uber or Netflix which, faced with ever more complexity and unpredictability, have been able to adapt both their economic model and their way of managing people.

However, can we say that the era of long-term forecasts is behind us? Would a less linear and more flexible approach allow us to increase our ability to look to the future?

Part of the solution often lies in how people perceive the conditions under which they make decisions, plan for risk and manage change. The volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity inherent in today’s world represent a new deal. This is changing not only the way companies do business, but also the way leaders manage their teams.

Sources: CleverlySmart, PinterPandai, Harvard Business Review

Photo credit: PatoLenin via Pixabay

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