
Tag: Website

  • Failures Become a Success Experience | How to overcome it?

    Failures Become a Success Experience | How to overcome it?

    Failures Become a Success Experience Problems become opportunities, failures become a success. To bounce back after failure is not easy. Overcoming failure and transforming it into success, a state of mind to adopt: Self-confidence Personal development Entrepreneurship and becoming free. How do you turn failures into success? Have you ever known someone whose life is…

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  • Ways to Improve Productivity in Your Business

    Ways to Improve Productivity in Your Business

    Ways to Improve Productivity in Your Business Time is precious in all aspects of our life, and even more so when we talk about work, in which case its value multiplies. The minutes we save each day can be reinvested in thinking about the company’s overall strategy, in progressing tasks or in rest time. This…

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  • How to Build an Enterprise and How to start a business? The steps to follow

    How to Build an Enterprise and How to start a business? The steps to follow

    How to Build an Enterprise? You have an idea to create a business and you want to know how to build an enterprise? Building an enterprise can be a challenging but rewarding experience. It involves creating a sustainable business model and a strong team to execute it. To start a business, you must first do…

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  • Business Model Examples for Your Inspiration

    Business Model Examples for Your Inspiration

    Business Model Examples 50% of innovations go through a change of business model. So we should not be obsessed with technological innovation which is often much more complex, risky and expensive. In this article, we invite you to think about your innovation differently. It’s been almost 5 years since we specialized in this field. I…

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  • Why do you need a Market Research? Key Points: Goals, Process, Classification

    Why do you need a Market Research? Key Points: Goals, Process, Classification

    Why do you need a Market Research? Why do you need a market research? A market study? What for? A real waste of time and money! I know my sector well because I have been working there for 10 years…” You have surely heard this sentence before, perhaps you have already pronounced it. And yet,…

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  • Economic Growth | Definition and Calculation

    Economic Growth | Definition and Calculation

    Economic Growth We cannot talk about economic growth without talking about GDP. GDP is a measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a given period. Economic growth generally measured on the basis of variations in GDP (Gross Domestic Product), economic growth reflects the increase in wealth…

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  • Parallel Economy Model (Black Economy) and Their Examples

    Parallel Economy Model (Black Economy) and Their Examples

    Parallel Economy Although both are illegal, moonlighting is linked to the gray economy. It is a legal job, but the income is not declared. Parallel Economy (Black Economy) refers to people or businesses who operate entirely outside the tax and regulatory system or who are known to the authorities but do not correctly report their…

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  • Web Marketing Consultant | Inbound and Outbound

    Web Marketing Consultant | Inbound and Outbound

    Inbound and Outbound Web Marketing Consultant Web marketing represents all the techniques, strategies and advertising levers to generate more traffic, notoriety, leads and sales on a website. As a webmarketing consultant, creativity and experience are valuable assets for the success of acquisition campaigns. However, it can be simplified into two main questions: → What levers…

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